Image-To-Pico8 can now output animated GIFs


[New] Major update: can output animated GIF as preview image: Use flag -gif
      Default is now to generate an animated GIF when using flag -repeatNN       (you can use -still if you prefer to generate NN still images.)

[New] Output path can be set:       full output path: -outpath "D:\my out path\test\"
      or a sub folder of the input file: -outpath "my_sub_folder"

[+++] -noout is now renamed -nop8 for "No p8 output (Do preview only)"       (backwards compatible)

[+++] -norandom is now renamed -nonoise or -nn for "No half random noise pixels"
      (backwards compatible)

Files 723 kB
Version 1.368 Sep 11, 2020

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