Add animated glitch to your images, in the pico8 color palette

[New] Major update: can glitch on x offset (various intensities).
Use -glitchN (N = intensity = 1 to 4)
better results when generating GIFs Other experimental flags combined with glitch:
-glitchoxsfN : progressive smooth arrival on N frames (look at the size of the peaks on the left)
-glitchoxawNN : width amplitude (-16 to 16)
-glitchoxmyNNN : global pos_y move (-256 to 256)
full example: ImgToP8 -gif -repeat32 -glitch4 -glitchoxmy-64 -glitchoxsf5 -pc136,8,142,143 "D:\Downloads\MyImage.jpg"
"glitch1" vs "glitch4"
"y-32" vs "y256"
"aw2" vs "aw16":
[+++] New palettes presets:
-p5 -green : Palette green
-p6 -pink : Palette pink
[+++] "Random palette" -pr -palrandom : Palette made of random colors
[+++] "In RGB colors, Green is brighter"
[+++] You can fix color brightness: -fixrgbN,N,N eg: -fixrgb30,40,30
[+++] Preserve aspect radio: -dwAuto -dhAuto = Auto Width or Auto Height
Get Image-To-Pico8 Converter ImgToP8
Image-To-Pico8 Converter ImgToP8
Convert your images into pico8 or GIFs optionally with glitches
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